Lucio Levi
Member of UEF Federal Committee, Former President of UEF Italy
Lucio Levi
Member of UEF Federal Committee, Former President of UEF Italy
Oreste Gallo, Francesco Mazzaferro, Domenico Moro, Antonio Padoa Schioppa and Stefano Rossi
Antonio Padoa Schioppa
Emeritus Professor at the University of Milan and Member of the Scientific Committee of
Centro Studi sul Federalismo (of which he has been the President from 2004 to 2010)
Joseph Preston Baratta
Professor of World History and International Relations at the Worcester State College, MA, USA
Silvia Romano
EU affairs professional, graduated at the College of Europe in Bruges. Member of the bureau of Presse Fédéraliste
and of the editorial board of the French federalist journal Fédéchoses
Jean-François Drevet
Former civil servant in the European Commission, specialist in regional development issues
Catherine Vieilledent
Independent expert in EU affairs, Secretary General UEF Group Europe,
member of UEF Federal Committee, Delegate to the WFM Membership Council
Pier Virgilio Dastoli
President of the European Movement in Italy (CIME)
Fulvio Gambotto
Director of CESI (Einstein Centre for International Studies)
Aleksa Nikolić
Lecturer, University of Belgrade Faculty of Law
Fernando Iglesias
Co-President of the World Federalist Movement, Director of the Spinelli Chair in Buenos Aires,
Member of the Argentinian Parliament
Claudia D'Antonio and Soumaia Bouchbika
Trainees at the Einstein Centre for International Studies,Turin
Dominique Rousseau
Jurist, Professor of Constitutional Law in the School of Law of La Sorbonne-Paris 1;
Former member of the Superior Council of the Judiciary;
President of the Scientific Council of the French Association of Constitutionalists;
Member of the Scientific Council of the International Academy of Constitutional Law
Michele Fiorillo and Nicola Vallinoto
Michele Fiorillo is Co-founder of the campaign We Europeans. He has conceived the idea of a UN World Citizens Initiative.
Former member of WFM Council and UEF-Italy Central Committee.
Nicola Vallinoto is Congress Vice-Chair of the World Federalist Movement. Editor of the International Democracy Newsletter
Michele Fiorillo
Co-founder of the campaign We Europeans. He has conceived the idea of a UN World Citizens Initiative. Former member of WFM Council and UEF-Italy Central Committee
Jürgen Habermas
A New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere and Deliberative Politics
Polity Press, Cambridge 2023
Robert Belot
Historian and academic, Jean Monnet EUROPA chair, University of Saint-Etienne, Member of the Scientific Council of UEF France
Hilda Monte
The Unity of Europe, (Andreas Wilkens Ed.)
With an introduction by H.N. Brailefoid
In the coll. “Federalism,” vol. 15, Peter Lang, Brussels, 2023
Giampiero Bordino
Professor in Contemporary History and Political Analyst. President of the Einstein Center for International Studies
Adriana Castagnoli
Terre di mezzo (Middle-Earths) (in Italian)
Il Sole 24 ORE, 2023